Alexandria is ready, willing, and available to represent her clients no matter how serious the offense the client is charged with.
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Defense Attorney
Alexandria Cazares-Pérez
Alexandria is a criminal defense attorney licensed to practice in the State of Texas. She was raised in both the U.S. and Mexico, and is a native bilingual Spanish speaker. Alexandria graduated from St. Mary’s University with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, and then obtained her Juris Doctorate from St. Mary’s University School of Law.
Alexandria represents clients charged with a broad range of offenses, State and federal. Alexandria is an aggressive, but personable and relatable attorney. Her talent and persistence has caught the attention of lawyers throughout Texas, and other countries. She is ready, willing, and available to represent her clients no matter how serious the offense the client is charged with.
Alexandria is a member of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, the Dallas Bar Association, and the Dallas Hispanic Bar Association.

Federal Practice Areas

Drug Trafficking
A drug trafficking charge requires that the government prove beyond a
reasonable doubt that the person attempted to…

There are many conspiracy statutes that the government may charge a
person with, including a substantive offense such as possession of drugs.
Depending on the amount of firearms involved, the person’s criminal history, and
other factors, the mandatory minimum sentence may increase.

Money Laundering
If the defendant acquired the proceeds from a specific activity that was unlawful, and that the defendant used those proceeds to …
Our State Practice Areas

Drug Charges
Drug Charges in the State of Texas can be very serious. The punishment range will depend on the type of

Assault is considered a crime of violence and is a serious offense in the State of Texas.

Probation Violations
Violating the conditions of your probation can lead to serious
At the law office of Alexandria Cazares-Perez, PC., we understand that any person accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty. Regardless of their immigration status, all persons have rights that must be protected and are entitled to a competent legal defense. Our office has experience in the different phases of a criminal case and represent persons who are investigated, accused, prosecuted, or convicted of committing alleged offenses. If you believe that you or a loved one have been accused of committing a crime, call now for a free consultation.